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Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions for the supply of Little Forest Publishing products


Your details

a. When you register with the Little Forest Publishing website, you may be required to choose a contact email address and password. You are responsible for all sessions and transactions taken under these details. You should keep your password safe and not disclose it to anyone. You should change it immediately if you feel it has been compromised.

b. If any of your details change, such as your credit card billing address, you must inform Little Forest Publishing as soon as possible. You may update your details by signing into your account on the Little Forest Publishing website, and update the relevant section.


The contract between us

a. Any contract for purchases made through the website will be with Little Forest Publishing, whose registered office is East Tillingham, Cat Street, Upper Hartfield TN7 4DU, company registration number 11070796 (Little Forest Publishing).

b. Little Forest Publishing must receive payment of the whole of the price for the goods that you order before your order can be accepted, and the contract formed. Once payment has been received, Little Forest Publishing will confirm that your order has been received by sending an email to you at the email address you provide in your registration form. The shipment email will include your name, the order number and the total price. Little Forest Publishing’s acceptance of your order brings into existence a legally binding contract between us on these terms. Any term sought to be imposed by you in your order will not form part of the contract.

c. Little Forest Publishing is entitled to withdraw from any contract in the case of obvious errors or inaccuracies regarding the goods appearing on our website. If an error or inaccuracy is discovered with regards to the advertised price of the goods that you have ordered, we will contact you as soon as possible by email. This will be to inform you of the correct price of the goods, and to ask you if you wish to continue with the order at the amended price, or to cancel the order altogether.


Withdrawal by you from the contract

If you are an individual and are not buying goods on behalf of a business, there are certain circumstances in which you may withdraw from the contract and these are set out here. This right to withdraw does not apply to business buyers. In line with Consumer Contracts Regulations:

a. You may withdraw your order for goods at any time up to the end of the 14th day after you have received the goods. You do not need to give Little Forest Publishing any reason for withdrawing your order nor will you have to pay any penalty.

b. The only circumstance in which you cannot withdraw your order is where you have taken the goods you have ordered (or the ones in relation to which you want to withdraw) out of the sealed package in which they were delivered.

c. To withdraw your order you must notify Little Forest Publishing in writing at the address set out in the Little Forest Publishing returns section of this website.

d. If you have received the goods before you withdraw your order then, unless you have lost your right to withdraw because you have taken the goods out of their sealed package, you must send them back to the Little Forest Publishing return address at your own cost and risk, unless the goods were supplied faulty or damaged. If you withdraw your order but Little Forest Publishing has already processed the goods for delivery and you have received them, you must not unpack the goods when they are received by you and you must send the goods back to Little Forest Publishing at the Little Forest Publishing return address at your own cost and risk as soon as possible.

e. Once you have notified Little Forest Publishing that you are withdrawing your order, any sum debited to Little Forest Publishing from your Pay Pal account will be re-credited to your account as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days of your order.


Delivery of goods to you

a. Little Forest Publishing will post, or arrange a courier on your behalf, for the goods ordered by you to the person and address you give Little Forest Publishing at the time you make your order. For goods delivered outside of the EU, the consignee (ie the person to whom the consignment is sent) will be the declarant and importer into the country for which the consignment is destined. The consignee will be responsible for both customs clearance and payment of customs duties and local taxes where required.

b. You will become the owner of the goods you have ordered once the goods are despatched to you from our distribution centre.


Customs charges

If you are ordering goods for delivery outside of the EU, please note that your consignment may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once the goods reach the country of destination. Any such charges levied in relation to customs clearance must be borne by you. It is accepted by you that Little Forest Publishing has no control over additional charges in relation to customs clearance. Little Forest Publishing recommends that you check with your local customs officials or post office for more information regarding importation taxes/duties that may be applicable to your online order.


Force Majeure

Little Forest Publishing shall have no liability to you for any failure to deliver goods you have ordered or any delay in doing so or for any damage or defect to goods delivered that is caused by any event or circumstance beyond its reasonable control.



If any part of these conditions is unenforceable (including any provision in which Little Forest Publishing excludes its liability to you) the enforceability of any other part of these conditions will not be affected.



Little Forest Publishing is providing this website and its contents (including any downloadable data or software) on an ‘as is’ basis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents and disclaims all such representations and warranties, whether express or implied, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. In addition, Little Forest Publishing makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose of the information and related graphics published in this site or that any software or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. The information contained in this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. All liability of Little Forest Publishing howsoever arising for any such inaccuracies or errors is expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.



The Little Forest Publishing website may contain hyperlinks. These hyperlinks connect you to sites of other organisations which are not our responsibility. We have used our reasonable endeavours in preparing our own website and the information included in it is done so in good faith. However, we have no control over any of the information you can access via other websites. Therefore, no mention of any organisation, company or individual to which our website is linked shall imply any approval or warranty as to the standing and capability of any such organisations, company or individual on the part of Little Forest Publishing.


Promotional discount codes

We may occasionally offer discount codes to customers. Discount codes are exclusive of online postage and packaging and can only be used once per person with one discount code to be used per transaction. Discount codes cannot be used with any other voucher, coupon or offer. Discount codes can only be used at time of purchase and not retrospectively. We reserve the right to withdraw codes at any time. All discount codes are subject to their own terms and conditions.  

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